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TQ-93 low cost embedded pc, low cost embedded system, low cost industrial system, low cost fanless system, a::2025w1 www.ewayco.com TQ-83 low cost embedded pc, low cost embedded system, low cost industrial system, low cost fanless system, a::2025w1 www.ewayco.com      The low cost embedded system is inside the plane    Email for info

Low Cost Embedded System, Low Cost Industrial PC, Fanless Embedded PC System, Low Cost Systems, Industrial System PC

    Low cost System, Low Cost EWay Embedded Systems, Low cost Industrial PC, Fanless Embedded PC Systems, Low cost Industrial System, Low price Systems, Embedded PC System, Low Cost PC, Industrial Systems, Low price PC System are shown.
1. TQ-93: Fanless Embedded System Celeron 2Ghz 20.5x23.7x5.5cm
2. TQ-83: Fanless Embedded System Celeron 2Ghz 19x20x2cm thin

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